

In pig production management, there is a lot of daily movement of pig, semen, supplies, feed, 資產, and people between sites within farm sites and between non-production sites (例如. feed plant, 洗車台, 辦公室, and warehouse). These movements themselves carry varying degrees of risk of disease transmission and is the potential to result in severe consequences for animal productivity and business performance. 養豬場計劃 藍牙信標 系統旨在捕獲站點內和站點之間人員和資產的移動記錄,以便更客觀地評估與移動相關的疾病引入和傳播風險.


豬的流程圖如圖所示 1. The Bluetooth beacon system consists of six large sow farms and sells weaned piglets to farmer clients. 豬 A 是一個封閉的飼養場,為其他五個商業養豬場生產替代動物. 所有精液均來自外部公豬物種. 該系統還有飼料廠和卡車清潔工.


The architecture of Beacon System

The system consists of the following Bluetooth beacon system components (數字 2)

  • 電池供電的低功耗藍牙 (博美) 信標傳輸 BLE 信號

定位信標 placed in physical locations

Asset beacons attached to physical assets

  • Battery-powered Personnel sensors are carried by personnel to detect the BLE signal of locations and assets, and then transmit the detection data to the gateway.
  • System application installed in the smartphones of personnel to detect the 博美 signal of locations and assetsand then the detection data will be transmitted to the gateway.
  • Gateway receives data from the sensor and connects to the cellular router via an Ethernet cable
  • Ethernet cable connect to the gateway and transit data to the cloud
  • Cloud receives data from Ethernet cable, 包括儀表板和控制面板(Access through an Internet browser with user login credentials on Personal computer, 筆記本電腦, 和智能手機)

Asset beacons attached to physical assets


在每個動物生產基地, 該區域首先被定義為活體動物的生活空間. 每個區域通常代表一個完整的穀倉或繁殖空間, gestation, and childbirth. 對於農場的其他區域, 定義的區域代表特定的房間和工作區域.

然後在每個區域安裝定位信標, locator beacon is set to send signals within a radius of 20m, and the number of location beacons placed in the position of each zone is not identical, 它取決於區域的尺寸長度 x 寬度. 重要資產被標記為資產信標, which are set to send signals within a radius of 5 米.

每個站點的辦公室都安裝了傳感器充電站, and all system personnel wears 藍牙信標傳感器 每天上班. 帶有附加網關的蜂窩路由器安裝在關鍵位置, 顯示相關消息和提醒的標誌安裝在每個站點內可見的高流量位置.

當信標傳感器到達網關路由器串聯範圍內時, 傳感器捕獲的數據會自動傳輸到雲平台,可以使用可視組件儀表板和報告訪問和分析數據以分配風險級別 (0-10) 到每個區域-區域運動對 (數字 3). 分配的級別是根據在兩個不同區域之間移動的風險估計來選擇的, 對應各自的地域特點.


Here are some examples of lower and higher-risk movements:

• 從妊娠區移動到裝載溜槽區的風險相對較低
• There is a relatively high risk of transfer from the isolation room to the pregnancy bay

傳感器檢測定位信標信號並記錄ID, date, and time as the detection activity in the area when the person carrying the sensor locator beacon is within the range of the defined area and holds the area specified for a period of time. The time that the sensor recording detection events are a variable specified by the administrator, depending on where the region and location beacons are located.

When the person carrying the sensor comes within range of the asset beacon, the sensor detects the asset beacon signal and records the ID, date, 和時間作為檢測事件. 當攜帶傳感器和信標標記資產的人員進入定義區域的定位信標範圍時, 傳感器記錄區域內的資產事件.


The Bluetooth beacon system continuously records and evaluates the flow of people and assets, and continues to update and adjust the hardware, 軟件, risk levels, and protocols as necessary, 基於用戶反饋和項目觀察.

數字 4 顯示人員和兩種形式的移動可視化示例, arrows, and heat movement arrows indicate the source (母豬場 辦公室) 到目的地 (分娩和懷孕) 移動的, 在此期間目標區域的移動顯示數量 (箭頭提示) 箭頭對應對應的區域 – 顏色區域移動指定風險級別. The color of the target area on the heat map format corresponds to the movement numbers in the installed period, 用較暖的顏色 (例如, 紅色的) referring to more movements than cooler colors (例如, green).


數字 5 is an example of a time series diagram for the daily zone-zone movement of people and assets. 數字 6 is an example chart for a week and an hour. 每日移動風險水平在圖中顯示為堆積條形 5 和 6. 由於這是在技術平台上實施的此類信標系統的首次初步評估, 無法確定預期水平, 範圍, and distribution of mobile VAR.

數字 5

數字 6

數字 7 is an instance of a moving scatter diagram of the origin zone-to-destination zone. The bubble color corresponds to the specified zone-zone risk level, and the bubble size corresponds to the number of moves for each corresponding Zone-zone pair.

數字 7

These images can help users identify the date, 時間, and location of the unexpected high-risk movement of assets and/or people. This knowledge can help production managers work better with others to mitigate and manage the risk of disease transmission and transmission within and between sites throughout the production network.


信標系統有望同時記錄相關人員和資產的各種形式的移動, 為更好地了解生產網絡中站點內部和站點之間疾病引入和傳播的風險提供潛力. MOKOBlue 將進一步增強現有技術並將其他物聯網技術集成到平台中. 隨著這項和其他實施工作的進展, it is anticipated that there will be an opportunity to assess the platform’s investigative contribution to understanding the introduction and sustained transmission of disease sources within and between farms.
