الأجهزة الطبية واللياقة البدنية MOKOBLUE التي تستخدم وحدة البلوتوث

الأجهزة الطبية واللياقة البدنية MOKOBLUE التي تستخدم وحدة البلوتوث
الأجهزة الطبية واللياقة البدنية MOKOBLUE التي تستخدم وحدة البلوتوث


موكوبلو وحدة بلوتوث is a compact, قوية للغاية, جهاز مرن عالي الجودة ومتكامل مع تقنية البلوتوث. Mokoblue is an ultra-low-power Bluetooth module that supports BLE (بلوتوث منخفض الطاقة) to efficiently meet the customer’s requirement for medical and fitness applications.

Mokoblue Bluetooth module of medical and fitness devices is a wireless compact model that connects different medical and healthcare applications with BLE technology used to perform various tasks for remote healthcare industries. Mokoblue Bluetooth module’s key specifications include great functionality, security of the data, and results reliability.

Portable Medical and Fitness Devices Bluetooth Module


منارة بلوتوث is empowered towards serving the defined purpose. With the assistance of geo-location, health records are provided to various places and at the correct time. Bluetooth Beacons are wireless Bluetooth low energy systems groups and these are particularly for sending out the detected signals to the closest smartphones with automated properties.

Bluetooth Beacons can assist in the implementation of the following devices;
• Distance walked heart rate
• Temperature and blood pressure detection
• Sleeping hours and oxygen level detection
• Sleep quality, موقع, and perspiration, إلخ.

Bluetooth modules are helpful when keeping track of hospital equipment when an asset tracking technology is activated. ستكون جميع الأدوات سليمة وسيتم تجنب الهدر أو سوء الاستخدام. تجمع المنارات أيضًا بيانات هائلة عن العملاء, مما يسهل فهم سلوكيات المرضى. تعمل أنظمة تتبع الأصول أيضًا مع التطبيقات الأخرى ذات الصلة, مثل نفك, ريال قطري, رمز وتتفاعل.

Mokoblue’s high-efficiency with Bluetooth low energy module can be used in different medical and health care applications for personal health and fitness care and Remote Health Monitoring Systems (RHMS).

This technology has a broad range of biometric and other physiological sensors based on the type and features integrated into a Bluetooth module. Mokoblue performs certain medical-related tasks according to the data it requires such as distance, إشارات, and range.

بالإضافة إلى, Moko offers customized laser coating, بالشاشة الحريرية, and labels for high-quality security, and satisfaction using Bluetooth Beacon.

Bluetooth Modules of Medical and Fitness Devices

MokoBlue is the expert in the إنترنت الأشياء بتقنية البلوتوث technology with several years of experience. MokoBlue high-performance Bluetooth 4.2, 5.0, 5.1, و 5.2 Modules could be utilized for numerous medical and fitness applications. We have listed few great Bluetooth Modules which can be used in Medical and Fitness Devices from MokoBlue and these are:

Bluetooth Modules of Medical and Fitness Devices

Bluetooth Modules of Medical and Fitness DevicesMK01A

Each MokoBlue Bluetooth Modules are unique in their own way and can be used in various medical and fitness devices for getting the best results.

Key Features and Specifications

Mokoblue Bluetooth Module has minimal key features for medical and fitness devices. It gives higher performance with greater reliability at a low cost. MokoBlue Bluetooth Modules possess excellent features and specifications exactly just needed for an efficient medical and fitness devices: Some key features from MokoBlue Bluetooth Modules are:

• Energy Efficient
• Bluetooth Mesh
• Extensions for advertising
• CSA # 2

We considered MokoBlue MK01 nRF52832 Bluetooth Module evaluation board as reference which is capable for Nordic MK01A and MK01B Bluetooth module. The board specifically provide quicker and easier way to evaluate the MK01nRF52832 Bluetooth Module.

Bluetooth Module evaluation board

Why Choose Us Bluetooth Module?

Industry-leading Mokoblue Bluetooth Module has a friendly interface for medical and fitness applications with the most efficient performance in long-range and supporting voltage. We are trustworthy for our reliable features.

MokoBlue is one of the ventures from MOKOSMART and it particularly aims on the Bluetooth IoT technology for fulfilling the increasing demands of customers. MOKO is the only and top-notch IoT manufacturer for Bluetooth smart devices including Bluetooth module, بوابة, منارة بلوتوث, إلخ.

MokoBlue possesses professional Bluetooth Engineer team with world-class customer support, and a certified factory. It enables to provide the customers with an innovative Bluetooth IoT OEM/ODM solutions.

No matter if it’s a white label solutions, standard products, أو منتجات مخصصة, the Engineering team and certified factory always willing to respond quickly and derive efficient results for their customers across the globe. هكذا, MokoBlue is for sure the best choice available in the market.

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